Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It's Time....

At last.....the project is underway!!!! After almost 3 weeks of deliberation, prayer, and looking at several other opportunities, we found ourselves right back at the little farm school, wanting to help those kids in some practical way. We spoke to the headmaster, and together with the the rest of the staff, we (and they) decided what they needed most right now, is a place to get in out of the rain while they eat. So on Thurs. morning, our builder, Anton, will start putting up a shelter right next to the little "kitchen". Hopefully, we will see it completed by the time we leave on the 18th and be able to post a picture for you to see.
Thanks for your prayers. This has been a very confusing time for us. We're sure the devil hates to see anything happen for these poor kids that might, in some small way, help them eventually break the cycle of poverty in their lives. This little shelter probably doesn't seem like much to any of us, but maybe just being able to stay dry while eating lunch might help a kid stay in school and become more than he would have otherwise. Who knows?
Pictures coming soon...


SweetHomeMom said...

A reminder to you, while I remind myself: we have two jobs today- love and yield. Sounds like you are doing that! The results are up to God.

Our Amy is reading and being changed by the book Do Hard Things. You are inspiring her with your real life example of what she is reading about! Just one small example of what's happening in the kingdom because you two are loving and yielding to God today.


Anonymous said...

Demi oh Demi!!! How wonderful that the Lord is allowing you to actually see his mysterious plan unfold YAHOO! So often, we go, we do, but we never get to see. Ahhh..a shelter from the sun. What a blessing that will be for these little ones. Makes me think of the verse, Is. 25:4 For You have been a defense for the helpless, A defense for the needy in his distress,
A refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat... The rest of that chapter is pretty great too!!

Be encouraged, and we can't wait to have you home:)

aRtgypsy said...

you are a blessing...
be encouraged (of good courage).
God is for you...
and we all love you.