Saturday, June 14, 2008

5 more days until we leave for home!

In some ways it seems we've been here forever, but in some like we just arrived. The system here is hard to understand and even harder to work within. This morning we spent almost an hour just trying to pay for materials for Anton! You really don't realize how easy life in America is, until you try to do ordinary everyday things in a country like South Africa. I think if there are certain demons or spirits that influence a region, Confusion has to be assigned here!
Once I get home and can clear my mind.....I'll explain : )
Now for the positive. These people are the sweetest I've ever met. They are full of joy in spite of circumstances and understand fellowship at a level I don't think most Americans "get". They are warm and generous, and I can honestly say I've seen hospitality
lived out, as it should be, through believers. I really hope I can carry a piece of that home with me. At Rolf and Lizzie's (where we've been staying), the house is never too full for one more to sleep on the couch or floor, the food is never too little to invite..... whoever just dropped by...... to stay and eat, and there's always enough time to minister or encourage someone who needs it or just sit and have a great conversation! It's wonderful! A glimpse of heaven (I hope). Wed. night there were 60 people over for dinner and what an amazing time! A group of Catholics from California who had been studying Apartheid had come to South Africa and somehow had ended up at Rolf's house. Some of his Youth For Christ staff were there and were able to tell first hand stories of living under that terrible system. This video starts with us driving through a township, watching Anton our builder get started and the Wednesday night gathering with all the kids from CA. It's way awesome should come sometime!!!! Keep praying for us....We love you and miss all of you!!!


SweetHomeMom said...

Nothing like leaving the country to get some perspective on what we deem necessities,is there? And to learn from brothers and sisters who don't have as many distractions from the important as we do.

SO excited about all God is doing IN you and through you! And eager to learn what you have to share about real community!Thanks for your faithful communication.

Derri (or "Demi" as "kimmee" tagged me, due, no doubt, to my petite size. Hah!

Carl Albrecht said...

Hey Mike & Nancy,
Love to see & hear about your adventures in S. Afr.
The Lord is with you every step...
Mike,, great perspective on multitasking...
"Stay focused" :-)
Press on dear friends...
We're praying for you... can't wait to hear the stories when you return.
Love & Blessings,
Carl & Leann

aRtgypsy said...

great video.
i love it!
will have to try and make a trip to nashvegas sometime to hear first hand of your trip...unless you might be coming this way....towards the tulsa route...
so encouraged with how you live your life...thanks.

Luv, Linda

Anonymous said...

the sweet sound of worship coming through your video was a morning blessing to me.

the sweet sound of Nancy laughing was a reminder of how much i miss you...

the sweet sound of the children laughing was a perspective builder, and a reminder of the source of true joy.

Paul, in Philippians, was chained to a prison wall, yet sang worship songs, and wrote to his beloved faithful followers of the great joy he had in thinking of them, and how he rejoiced in the Lord.

Thanks for the reminders. and....COME HOME SOON! You are loved, prayed for, and missed.


Anonymous said...

You are almost home but we know you have left a piece of your heart in S. Africa once again.
God has used you in mighty doubt. We will be praying as you re-enter from your journey.

Thank you for being so faithful.

We love and miss you.
tom and patty