Monday, May 12, 2008

A Little History

If you haven't heard, we are going to Capetown South Africa to work with our dear friend Rolf Weichardt who has recently been named Director of South Africa Youth For Christ. He oversees many projects in Capetown which minister to the really desperate that come out of the townships. The poverty is really indescribable and yet, it's amazing to find out how much joy these people have in spite of there circumstances. Rolf brings in many volunteers from around the globe to help with orphans and aids mothers and there babies. He also organizes feeding programs, and one of those led us to a school in the Vissershok area.

Over 400 children are bused in from the township or really what's called an "informal settlement" of Du Noon to this school. What we saw there made something rise up in our hearts to find a way to help some of these kids out of the merry-go-round of poverty they were trapped in. We were told the feeding program is probable the only real meal they get during the day. We could tell many were malnourished and very small for their age. It was strange but I remembered the movie Pay It Forward and thought if we can change the lives of a few of these children, they will have the ability to make a difference in whatever they choose to do with their lives.

Short term is to build a large all-purpose building that will be able to handle 2 classrooms and other needs. We have found a builder (thank you Jesus) and will be starting to work this week in getting the plans and process going. Were are believing that after we leave the foundation and walls will be up and that asap the kids will be able to use it even if it's not fully completed. By the end of the year we will take a small team of workers to put the final touches on the building and to just love up those kids! Long term is for funding scholarships for the kids and salaries for the teachers. Also in development are sports and music programs. (I will also be looking onto bringing in some musician friends for some music and worship seminars further down the road.) Lots of plans and dreams right? Why not....our God is an awesome God!

Our intention is to report back here as much as we are able to for updates with pics and video as much as were are technically able. As for now we are watching God bring in the money and the resource to meet this need!

If you would like to help financially make your check out to:
The Bridge/ a Joseph Company

send it to:
Mike and Nancy Demus, 207 Gayland Court, Nashville TN. 37210